If you haven’t seen the recent Four Corners expose on the greyhound racing industry and the use of live animal baiting as training then you have probably heard about it. The practice of using live animals to incite greyhounds to aggressive behaviours in the belief that this will make them faster racing dogs is vile beyond belief. It can only be a good thing that the industry is shaken down from head to toe. Inner South Veterinary Centre sincerely hopes the government steps in to regulate this industry and put a stop to this needlessly cruel and abhorrent practice.
In the midst of the uproar it is vitally import that the greyhounds themselves are not forgotten. Greyhounds are amongst the most gentle of dogs and make fantastic family pets. They are often much better at being couch sloths and loving fur kids than they are at racing around a track! They are calm, quiet pets who shed little fur and require surprisingly little exercise (as sprinters, a few hot laps of the back yard will do at a pinch then it’s back onto the couch for some more snuggles). They are gentle, sweet dogs who show very little aggression and are as trustworthy with children as any dog can be.
Greyhound Adoption
Below is a photo journal of Polly and Lilyrose. Polly was rescued by Greyhound Adoption Program (NSW) Inc. and rehomed with Dani, our head veterinary nurse. She has been a fantastic companion for Lilyrose, Dani’s beautiful 2 year old daughter. They snooze together, walk together, try on pretty jewellery together, and play dress ups. Polly laps up lots of head lock cuddles and enthusiastic kisses and is a gentle, sweet and loving companion to her little girl.
Greyhounds donating Blood
But Polly is more than just an amazing and irreplaceable family pet. She is also a canine hero, saving the lives of other dogs by donating blood. She is part of the ACT canine blood donor program and has given blood when needed to both the Animal Emergency Centre and Inner South Veterinary Centre.
See the article in The Canberra Times Sunday, February 22nd featuring Polly!
Polly is an amazing girl who is filling human lives with love and affection and saving the lives of canine friends. However, she’s terrible on the track! Had she not been one of the lucky greyhounds rescued and rehomed she would certainly have been destroyed. She might be full of love but she’s not full of speed and unless rescued, that’s a lethal combination for a greyhound.
Hound love has spread even further at the Inner South Veterinary Centre. We are proud supporters of ACT Greyhound Rescue Group. Rescued hounds come to us for their initial vet checks and desexing surgeries. These dogs are just so delightful that one lucky hound, Oscar, managed to work his magic soulful brown eyes on our own Dr Wayne Mizon and is now living a life of luxury with him and his family! Oscar has bought a long, lean and lovely presence to the home and is happily living with cats, dogs, grandchildren, chickens, goats, horses and so on!
Greyhound Rescue
Greyhounds are victims of greyhound racing too. They are lovely dogs, much better pets than commodities of the gambling industry and with these much needed changes to the racing industry there will be literally hundreds of dogs that will need homes. If there is space in your life for a loving, gentle, quiet, clean family pet that will just adore you with every fibre of their being, please have a look at Greyhound Rescue.