Weight Management

- It’s not just Australian people who’re suffering from obesity. More pets are too, with over 41% of dogs and over 32% of cats estimated to be clinically overweight or obese.
- Extra weight is a significant danger to their health, increasing the risk of serious diseases like diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, and painful arthritis.
- Studies in dogs have shown those on a controlled diet with lower weight and body fat can live two years longer than dogs whose diets and weights aren’t controlled.
By helping your pet slim down to their ideal shape, you won’t just reduce their risk of illness like heart disease and diabetes, you really can give them a new lease of life and vitality.
Better still, being fitter may help your pet live a happier, healthier and longer life, so you can enjoy more happy times together. Weight management consultations are run by our veterinary nurse/dietician and is a FREE service. Dogs and cats will require a consultation and assessment by one of our veterinarians before starting on the weight management programme.
Weight scales – Feel free to come in and weigh your dog or cat on our scales on a regular basis. We can then record their weight on our data base, so to monitor and congratulate progress.