Pets these days enjoy family member status in many homes. What would a family holiday be without all the family members present?! As such, many people are choosing to travel with their pet. There are a few things that should be considered when taking the family pet on holiday.
Will you pet enjoy the holiday?
For many species then answer is a resounding yes! Dogs may well love a road trip, new walk, novel smells and activities and lots of family times. Some cats and birds are also into this. But for some pets the frequent change of location and activity can be stressful. A pet rabbit or a nervous cat may be less excited by the idea of a change of scene. And for some pets, such as fish or reptiles that require a regulated environment travel may be rather impractical!
How will you be travelling?
Road tips often lend themselves to pet friendly experiences. Many of our furry friends quite enjoy a car ride. For some animals, motion sickness can be a problem. If this is the case, discuss your plans with your veterinarian, as there is medication that will help you pet and allow you to enjoy that trip away.
Air travel is another option. Not all pets can be transported this way so some investigation will be required but this is another good option.
Will you pet need any specific preventative treatments on entering your destination?
It’s important to research the local risk factors for your pet in your holiday location. For example paralysis ticks are rampant along the east coast of Australia. A good preventative product, administered properly is a must to keep your pet safe. Dogs can now take Bravecto® – a single tablet offering 3 months of protection against fleas and ticks. Something so simple can avoid a potentially tragic holiday complication.
Where will you stay?
Pet friendly accommodation options are expanding every year and with some research you might be surprised at the number of options you have! Make sure you stay somewhere you feel confident leaving your pet for periods of the day. This will allow you to do animal and non-animal based activities.
What should you take for your pet?
For many animals something from home can be very reassuring. Their favourite bed, a crate they know and love, a few familiar toys: all these will link them back to home and help them embrace the change and excitement of a holiday. For stressed cats and dogs there are some excellent pheromone based options to help reduce anxiety – Feliway® and Adaptil®.
For further information on any of these products please call in for a chat. Most of all, enjoy your time away with your furry family!