Inner South Veterinary Centre is very proud to support Mojo a HeroRat from Mozambique. Here is his latest news bulletin. It looks like his training is going well and that he is working very hard!
Dear Friends,
How are things in your neck of the planet? I hope you had a wonderful holiday season, and that the weather where you are is fine. The hottest season has just begun here in Tanzania, so we rats must wake up extra early to train at the landmine detection training field and avoid the sun– our furry coats and nocturnal natures make us sensitive to sunlight- though I always say “You can never have too much sunshine!”
A lot has happened in Morogoro and I have so much to fill you in on. We have some new additions to the kennels, a few months back some HeroRATs gave birth. And just recently the trainers brought in five wild baby rats. They were a bit scared at first, and they smelled a little funny, but they are so much fun, and really quite cute. I love new pups!
You may remember that, last year, I was selected to help with some research for my human colleagues, comparing the conditions in Tanzania to the conditions in Mozambique.
I had a great time being a part of this elite group of research rats, and everyone at APOPO seemed pleased with my insight. They said that thanks to my participation, they know better how to ensure HeroRATs’ sniffs are up to snuff!
Because it has been awhile since I passed my final blind test, and because I have been working on other projects in the meantime, I have been re-training with some of the younger rats to make sure that my skills are as sharp as ever. It feels great to ride out with my friends and colleagues to the landmine detection training field each morning, knowing that hopefully very soon, we HeroRATs will be putting our noses to good use maybe in Mozambique or Angola – two countries that could use our help. I hear that we are still sending fleets of HeroRATs to the programs in both countries. As a matter of fact, 30 HeroRATsleave for Mozambique very soon. I would love the chance to travel, meet new people and save lives!
Every morning as I run back and forth, sniffing and scratching, I think of the work that remains to be done to ensure the world is free of landmines. And I think of you, and how my work would not be possible without your support. Thank you for making this a possibility!
Love and whiskers,
Mojo the HeroRAT
Love and whiskers,
Mojo the HeroRAT