For centuries people have guessed and argued about the genetic origin or their crossbred dogs. Now, you can really find out.

The smarter you are about your dog’s past, the smarter you can be about their future. Dogs are like people. They inherit physical and character traits from the breeds in their family tree. They can also pass on genetic disorders from one generation to the next. Your mixed breed dog is a mixed bag of genetic traits.  The ADVANCE® Mixed Breed Identification DNA Test removes the guesswork.

With a simple blood sample we can provide you with information which helps to discover the genetic make-up  up of your dog. Not only does this information give you some answers to your dogs ancestry, but it can help predict your dog’s target adult weight, and then determine a nutritional, wellness and exercise program to suit your dog’s breed type. It also gives you a better understanding of your dog’s behaviour.

A simple blood test is all that is required, and them some patience.  Results take about three weeks to come back.

Case Study: Jess and Jasmine. These cute girls were adopted from a rescue shelter as young dogs over 1 year ago. They are very clever girls – some of their tricks include twirling around, begging and lying down on command. Their owners were very curious to find out what breed or mix of breeds they are… so to find out Jasmine had mixed breed DNA test!  What breed or mix of breeds do you think they are?

Jasmines DNA test came back as a big surprise – ideas bandied around were breeds like miniature pinscher and chihuahua cross. Her report came back with a very distinguised and interesting pedigree!

She is a Chihuahua/ Rhodesian Ridgeback/ Crossbred crossed with a purebred Tenterfield Terrier! Who would have guessed!

If you are interested in finding out your dogs ancestry, give us a call. We also have some gift certificates that you can give as a present to the owner of your favourite mixed breed dog.